Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Deep Topics: Not Always Welcome

I was just talking with a close friend about this one. She'd told me about how a client of hers loves to come in and spout off about politics, religion, and other sensitive topics. And it's not as if these two are what'd you'd call close friends. 

I told her about a time a couple of years ago. It was right before my mom passed away, and as things were getting heavy, I'd remembered about counseling that is available through my company's Employee Assistance Program. I thought it would be a good idea just to have an additional outlet for what I was trying to process.

The counseling went fine until the fourth session, which occurred a couple months after my mom was gone. Seemingly out of nowhere, the counselor asks, "So are you mad at God over losing your mom?" I was thrown for a loop. I asked, "Why would I be? This is life, and what good would that do anyway?" 

That was one of the reasons, among others, I decided to end that round of counseling. I've mentioned it here before, but I'm not the most devoutly religious guy on the block. I do have a faith, but I don't always open up and talk about it, especially with people I don't know or trust. Perhaps I am too closed off, but topics like that require permission before delving into them, especially with someone you don't know. There are boundaries. 

I've had close friends ask permission or perhaps apologize for delving into something too deep. If they are close and I know and them, no apology is needed. 

"Think before you speak" goes a long way.